The Sister’s Committee ("Committee") shall exist for the purpose of advising and assisting the Islamic Center of Frisco (“Center”) Board of Directors (“Board”) in planning and coordination of:
- The ICF Community Sister’s spiritual & mental well-being, engage them to pursue an active role within our center, serve the various needs of sisters by providing required services as well as organizing social events that take place throughout the year.
This Committee shall serve at the direction of and at the pleasure of the Board. This Committee shall have no authority to speak on behalf of the Board or to bind the Center financially or contractually.
Committee Members
Zainab Siddiqi | Shura Liaison |
Bushra Ali | Chairperson |
For questions or comments, email sisterscommittee@friscomasjid.org |
SC’s vision is to represent the Muslim women of the Frisco community in all affairs. This committee provides a fundamental service to ICF and the Frisco Community at large, by helping the association understand and learn how to harness the energies and talents of more than half of the community it pledges to serve: the women.
To serve the Muslim women of Frisco and surrounding community by providing services and organizing events/activities deemed to be of benefit to all age groups.
- This Committee shall be a standing committee and shall consist of 9 members.
- The Chairperson shall be from within its membership.
- The Chairperson shall draft the agenda and preside at all the Committee meetings.
- The Chairperson will designate a member for taking notes at all meetings and submitting a summary of the meeting to the Board Liaison (Board Member).
- The Chairperson shall inform all recommendations or suggestions to the Board Liaison.
- In the absence of the Chairperson, a member designated by the Chairperson will preside at the meeting.
- The role of this Committee is not to establish policies but rather to perform the duties set forth in the charter and provide information and options to enable the Board.
- Logistics
- Provide support services to ensure the seamless execution of an event. These services can include but are not limited to set up, registration, meal management etc.
- Service
- Promote the identification of community needs and develop programs of community volunteer services.
- Spiritual Enrichment
- Create & promote events/classes to enrich minds and connection to Qur’an and Sunnah.
- Sisters Outreach
- Welcome and include sisters who are new to the community.
- Engage community sisters & include them in volunteering for different events.
- Education
- Identify sister needs and arrange classes that offer opportunities of growth and self improvement.
- Fitness & Recreation
- Organize and offer classes/events based on fitness, sports, picnics etc.
- Meals Support
- Help organize and facilitate meals for families in our community who might be sick, new moms, at a time of loss etc.
- Seniors Support
- Identify and offer help to senior sisters of our community.
- Ramadan
- Iftar Team
- Taraweeh Team
- Eid Prayers Team
- Set-up and Clean-up Team
During Ramadan and ICF Fundraiser, the Sister's Committee will provide support to the ICF Shura with tasks specific to the events.
The responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Develop and host an arrow of community wide events aimed to include and empower sisters of the ICF Community.
- Committee will act upon ideas based upon the needs, requirements, and concerns of the sisters.
- Brainstorm ideas for spiritually uplifting and motivational programs.
- Promote a culture of diversity and work on inclusion of all sisters from the ICF community.
- Enable opportunities which offer educational and spiritual growth.
- Maintain the Committee Records, containing a detailed description of any events, programs and/or classes for purposes of organization and to establish structure. Records include:
- Maintain an organized folder of Sister’s Committee.
- Meeting Minutes
- Volunteer womanpower needed/received.
- Community feedback.
- Recruit volunteers to assist with different events and programs.
- Provide a snapshot of achievements approved by the Board to be included in the annual general meeting presentation.
- Perform any other duties assigned by the Board from time to time.