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The New Muslims Committee is dedicated to provide a cohesive and inclusive space for new Muslims by empowerment, representation, and mentorship, as a mean towards fostering genuine brotherhood and sisterhood within the community.


This Committee shall exist for the purpose of advising and assisting the Islamic Center of Frisco’s (“Center”) Board of Directors (“Board”) in providing a cohesive and inclusive space for new Muslims through collaboration, communication, commitment, and by working towards the common good under the guidance of the Board of Directors (“Shura”). This Committee shall serve at the direction of and at the pleasure of the Board. This Committee shall have no authority to speak on behalf of the Board or to bind the Center financially or contractually.

  • Facilitating a peer buddy (big brother/big sister) program for new Muslims that have recently accepted Islam.
  • Educating the Shura/Community about the needs and struggles of new Muslims.
  • Empowering new Muslims/Reverts for community engagement.
  • Providing resources and networking for new Muslims through educational seminars and classes held at the Masjid with the guidance of our scholars.
  • Creating a support structure for new Muslims.
  • Maintaining a list of Muslims that enter Islam within our community.


The mission of the ICF New Muslims Committee is to empower, represent, and mentorship new muslim brothers and sisters  within the community.


The vision of the New Muslims Committee is to create and foster genuine brotherhood and sisterhood within the community.


This Committee shall consist of the following members:

  1. Shura member, acting as a liaison between Committee and the Board of Directors
  2. Committee Chairperson, who is a member of the Committee and appointed by the Shura liaison
  3. Religious Scholars from the Islamic Center of Frisco
  4. A standing committee consisting of 6 members, including the Chairperson.
  5. The following guidelines should be followed for the Committee:
    1. The Chairperson shall draft the agenda and preside at all the Committee meetings.
    2. The Chairperson will designate a member for taking notes at all meetings and submitting a summary of the meeting to the Board Liaison (Board Member).
    3. The Chairperson shall inform all recommendations or suggestions to the Board Liaison.
    4. In the absence of the Chairperson, a member designated by the Chairperson will preside at the meeting.
    5. Members are appointed by the Board. Members are selected from the pool of applicants, and priority would be given to applicants who have not served in any Committees earlier and have experience related to the purpose of this Committee.


  • The Committee shall meet a minimum of once a month.
  • The Committee Chairperson or the Board may schedule additional meetings as deemed necessary to accomplish its duties.
  • Meetings shall normally be held at the Islamic Center of Frisco or may be held virtually through Zoom, Google Meets, or another virtual meeting platform. The meeting link and other information shall be provided to the Shura by the Board Liaison as necessary.
  • If it is necessary for the Committee to reschedule or cancel a meeting, the Committee Chairperson shall notify the Board Liaison at the earliest.
  • Any Director shall reserve the right to attend any Committee meetings and participate as a non-voting member to assist in fulfilling the duties set by the Board.

Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibilities for the ICF New Muslims Committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Educating the Shura/Community about the needs and struggles of new Muslims
  • Empowering new Muslims/Reverts for community engagement
  • Providing resources and networking for new Muslims through educational seminars and classes held at the Masjid with the guidance of our scholars
  • Creating a support structure for new Muslims
  • Maintaining a list of Muslims that enter Islam within our community

Committee Members

Zainab Siddiqi Shura Liaison
Amanda Nour
Muhammad Zia
Saad Riazuddin
Brian Grobe
Committee Members


For questions and comments, contact newmuslims@friscomasjid.org

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