Assalam Alaikum wrwb
Dear Parents
We would like to welcome you and your children to ICF Sunday School for the current academic school year 2021-2022. May Allah (swt) make this school year an experience of learning, fun, and instilling a love for the masjid in the hearts of all children.
We will be utilizing Google Classroom once again for homework/project submission. Please make sure that you have registered to website. You can use your existing google accounts to login as well.
Important Dates to Remember:
August 15, 2021 – Parent Orientation
August 22, 2021 – First Day of School
Parent Orientation:
• Timing- 10am-11am (You can stop by any time during that time frame)
• Meet Sunday School Administrative Staff
• Meet your child’s teacher and see where his or her classroom will be
• Collect Textbooks
Here are a few important reminders to ensure a smooth process.
1. Student Requirements and Recommendations:
• Masks are mandatory for everyone attending Sunday School at Islamic Center of Frisco.
• If your child refuses to wear his or her mask, we will have to isolate them and contact parents promptly to pick up their child.
• Students are recommended to bring their own water bottles.
• Students should bring their school supplies with them such as pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, a glue stick, and a pair of scissors.
• Students should bring a backpack with them to store their textbooks and any papers they receive in class.
2. Pick Up and Drop Off Policy:
• Sunday School Session is from 11:30 am – 2:15 pm.
• Please arrive 5 minutes before classes begin.
• Student drop-off will be from the brother’s side entrance to the masjid. An ICF Sunday School admin will be at the entrance (inside) to welcome students and an assistant will lead them to their classroom.
• Student pick-up will be after Dhuhr from the Main Prayer Hall (downstairs). We encourage all families to pray Dhuhr together in Jama’ah to instill the love of salah.
• Parent/Guardian will have to come inside personally to pick up their children.
• Please don’t drop off your children 15 minutes prior to classes starting as there will be no volunteers available to look after them.
• Please do not pick up your children later than 2:15 pm.
3. Sick Student Policy:
• Students should not attend Sunday School in the following circumstances:
• Signs of severe illness, including fever, irritability, difficulty breathing, or crying that does not stop with the usual comforting.
• Diarrhea (3 or more episodes of loose stools in 24 hours). A child must be diarrhea-free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications.
• Vomiting two or more times in 24 hours. A child should have one or more meals without vomiting before returning to school. Your child may be sent home from Sunday school for vomiting one time.
• Temperature of 100 degrees or above. A child must have a temperature below 100 degrees for 24 hours before returning to Sunday school without taking fever-reducing medication.
• Questionable rash until a physician has determined the rash is not caused by an infectious disease.
• Known communal diseases must be treated for the appropriate amount of time as directed by a physician.
• If a child becomes ill while at Sunday school, faculty and staff will isolate him or her and contact parents promptly to pick up their child.
We appreciate your patience and support.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at:
Jazak Allahu Khairan
ICF Sunday School