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Huffadh Club for Boys Ages 10-18

ICF Huffadh Club for Boys age 10-18



The huffadh club is primarily targeting any male student of a Hifdh school, ages 10 -18. Members do not necessarily have to be Huffadh. This club will also welcome boys who have memorized a certain portion of the Quran. 

To encourage commitment and dedication to the club, there will be a one-time yearly fee of $100 (Note: no one will be turned away due to inability to pay; please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 



Meetings will occur the last Sunday of each month, after Fajr, along with the second Friday of each month after Maghrib, at ICF.

Starts June 30th, 2024


Scheduling might change depending on the availability of members and programming at ICF.


- Monthly Qiyam conducted by the Huffadh, based on a rotational schedule

- Qiyam can be led at ICF or can expand to other masaajid as well

- Halqahs conducted by club advisors and members

- Discussion of topics concerning Huffadh, issues in maintaining their memorization

- Lessons from the Quran

- Opportunities for members to learn and teach as well

- Hangouts


To connect, empower, and motivate the Huffadh in our community to maintain their relationship with the Quran.



Three areas we aim for this club to impact:

1. Spiritual

2. Social

3. Physical


Spiritual Objectives:

- Assisting Huffadh in creating a balance between Deen & Dunya

- Encouraging Huffadh to maintain their Quran memorization through a mentorship program under the supervision of club advisors

- Helping with preparation for Taraweeh and connecting them with masaajid and musallahs in the area to lead Taraweeh

- Elevating the Quranic studies and memorization with goals of obtaining Ijaza, Alim courses, etc.

- Developing members to be able to give Khutbahs, Talks, and Khatiras


Social Objectives:

- Create a sense of unity among club members

- Create a network of Huffadh to rely upon each other

- Develop social and communication skills through teaching, gatherings, and networking


Physical Objectives:

- Application of the Hadith of the “Strong Believer”

- Various methods of bonding, e.g., sporting events, volunteering, etc.


Club Leadership:

The club will be under the guidance and leadership of Shaykh Salah Mahmoud.

Hafiz Farhan Syed will serve as a club advisor. As the club expands, there will be an expected growth in the number of club advisors as well.

QuestionsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Information

Event Date 12-31-2025
Cut off date 12-31-2025
Individual Price $100.00
Location Islamic Center of Frisco


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